New York Business Partner’s CEO Rafael Diaz returned to New York last weekend after a nearly one month stay at our office in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Much like our offices in the United States, our office in Brazil offers consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and non-profits. Clients such as Bank of America and Doctors without Borders work with us because of our unique ability to groom account executives and inexperienced entry-level candidates into managers and leaders.
Much like our offices in the United States, our office in Brazil offers consulting services to Fortune 500 companies and non-profits. Clients such as Bank of America and Doctors without Borders work with us because of our unique ability to groom account executives and inexperienced entry-level candidates into managers and leaders.
Every child deserves the right to live. ( Summer, 2010 ) |
In addition to being our client for over a year, Doctors Without Borders is a cause near and dear to Rafael’s heart. Just last summer, Rafael and several NYBP team members traveled to El Salvador to be translators between doctors and patients and their families. While there, Rafael met many children suffering from ailments, and families who were grateful for Doctors Without Borders and the aid that they provided. This e-mail below is an update on one of the children Rafael met in El Salvador from a colleague who works in our Brazil office:
Dear all,
I just spoke to Inmer's mom. She was so happy! She says she hasprayed so much for her child to be healthy and he was able to beoperated on and is doing fine.
She asked me to let you all know that she blesses you for what youhave made possible. She says you will all be in her prayersfor always. Isn't that the best ?
God bless you all. I feel really privileged to be working with such awonderful team.
Here the interview video with Dr. Martinez who introduce some of the children and explain the situation in El Salvador.
For pictures from that voluntary organization CLICK HERE.