Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet The NYBP Team: Jason Thompson

- Where are you from, why’d you come to NYC?
- Well I’m from New York City by law but I lived most of my teen life in Guyana where my parents are from. The reason why I came to NYC is because Guyana didn’t have such a good opportunity for a new college grads who’s looking for their first job in the working world. There was abundance of opportunity for employment but how much I would be getting paid for did not compare to how much hard work I put into my studies. So I thought it was time for to move on to the land of opportunity to see whats next for me. I got a phone call from New York Business Partners, I went out for my second round interview and the rest was history.
- What do you do in NYC when you’re not working?
- When im not working I go shopping. I love to go shopping so much I always like to walk around Soho every Satuday to see whats new and what deals they have. Like no matter what, there will always be something new going on in Soho for you to check out or buy….It’s also a perfect way to hang out with friends.
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