Friday, June 1, 2012

Upcoming Events - Texas Leaders Conference

Who believes that great leaders are made, and not born? 

We do.

Effective leaders undergo a continuous process of education, experience, and application to develop their knowledge and skills. We believe that every day is an opportunity for a person to improve and to acquire things - no matter how simple - that will soon aid the individual in being a dynamic leader. A great leader learns throughout the process, and not depending on his or her subordinates. A great leader understands the meaning of continuous development. A great leader applies every knowledge for the betterment of the team.

As today’s industries become more and more diverse, individuals encounter yet another phase in dealing with people. Competition is tougher now. New businesses emerge everywhere, and people are confronting workers who are really excellent in their jobs. To stand out from the competition, you have to put your best foot forward.

As the leader in direct sales and marketing, the New York Business Partners (NYBP) is going to participate to an event created to be part of the learning process that will make individuals great leaders.

Texas Leaders Conference offers an incomparable experience and opportunity to all individuals venturing into business, marketing, sales, entrepreneurship, and a lot more. This event is organized mainly to train individuals to become exceptional business leaders. 

We have invited notable speakers to share with you tips and inspiring stories on how to acquire, improve, and develop leadership skills. The conference will be offering discussions, activities, and workshops during the event, to aid the learning of the participants. Our aim is not only to produce quality business leaders at the end of the event, but to be able to inspire individuals who are new in the industry.

The Texas Leaders Conference will be held on June 2nd in Waxahachie, Texas. Contact for more details! 
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